Walk far. Connect deep.
by Sharon Brothers
Walk Far. Connect Deep.
These two simple thoughts give life to everything we do at Camino Connections.
Walk Far. Connect Deep.
They’re words that not only shape our journey on the Camino, but also in life.
We all feel stuck, stagnant or adrift sometimes.
If that’s you, start walking. It doesn’t matter which path you walk, or where you’re going. What matters is that you step out of complacency, out of your daily routine — especially if that routine is not bringing you joy. Start walking.
My walk has taken me to the other side of the world to live in Spain. Your walk could take you to the other side of the street. The final destination doesn’t matter. When your feet move, your soul is fed. Walk Far – just as far as you can. I can promise you this: with each step you take, little pieces of whatever burden you’re carrying will fall away, forever left on the path behind. Just keep walking until you rediscover love, joy and the sheer magic that life can hold.
Your journey will not only bring new sights, new sounds, and new energy your life. Along the way, you will Connect Deep with others who are walking far, too. Together, you’ll listen, share, laugh, cry, hold hands and give hugs. Connecting deep in our relationships is almost a bygone memory in today’s era of quick text messages, emails and posts on Facebook and Instagram. Social media tends to show only the good things that happen to us, often portraying only our best side. But walking far and connecting deep with each other reminds us of a fuller, more enduring joy. We see one another again, honest and true.
This is an amazing life! Get up, start moving, and Walk Far. Reach out, touch someone, and Connect Deep. These two simple acts will change your life. They’ve changed mine forever.
Sharon, co-founder of Camino Connections on the Camino Francés in 2017.