Hey Jack, Wanna Take A Walk?


By Johnny Brewer

My experience with the Camino began when I got into backpacking years ago, and a friend forwarded me a link about a "long-distance hiking trail” in Spain. I thought “Wow! That would be awesome!” Then, I just sort of forgot about it.

Several years later, another friend asked me, one day, if I was familiar with the Camino. I told him I was, which surprised him a bit. We talked about it, and he said he wanted to do part of it. He also mentioned a movie called “I’ll Push You,” about a guy who pushed his best friend across the Camino in a wheelchair. Several of us, all of whom were backpackers, went to see the movie together. Six of us came out of that theater planning a walk for April of 2018. As it turned out, I couldn’t go because of work. So, I decided to plan a solo trip for May. 

Jack grew up so much on that walk. He sat at dinner and conversed with people his grandparents age, just as he would have with teenagers. He met people from all over the world.

I walked 120 miles in two legs on that trip. The first, from from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Pamplona, and the second from Sarria to Santiago. When I got home, my then 12-year old son Jack, told me he wanted to walk it, too. Of course, I agreed and started planning our walk for the upcoming year. My biggest concern was walking over the Pyrenees. There are two routes to Roncesvalles, one over the mountain pass and the other around it. We were debating which route to take, when he finally said, “If we’re going all the way to France, I may as well walk over the Pyrenees.” Jack walked it in six hours. He was so proud of himself, as was I. 

Jack grew up so much on that walk. He sat at dinner and conversed with people his grandparents age, just as he would have with teenagers. He met people from all over the world. He learned some Spanish. He learned how to get by with only what is in your backpack. And he loved it! On the Camino, Jack and I grew closer together. And, not just as father and son, but also also as fellow pilgrims. It was truly a life-changing experience.

Walk the Camino with Johnny and Jack in their photo journal below: